Why It Matters

Guess what’s more stressful than the time-consuming, aggravating, gut-wrenching process of getting one’s affairs in order?

That’s right… The anxiety-laden and guilt-ridden stress of NOT having one’s affairs in order.

Anxiety-laden for at least two reasons:

1. Because you risk losing control of what happens to your still living body should you lose the capacity to speak and act on your own behalf.

2. Because without a will or trust, the disposition of your estate is considered “intestate” and automatically goes into “probate” to be distributed according to the laws in your state. Be advised: You may not be happy with who inherits your wealth when you’re gone.

And guilt-ridden for at least three reasons:

1. Because every unanswered question regarding your healthcare and final wishes may come to burden your family and friends with the most difficult decisions of their entire lives.

2. Because not leaving crystal clear instructions regarding the disposition of your estate saddles your survivors with the potentially expensive, lengthy, aggravating, and contentious process of probate.

3. Because not telling your executors where to find important personal effects and documents will overwhelm your loved ones with the aggravating and emotionally exhausting of trying to figure it all out after you’re gone.

In summary, getting your affairs is more than an ethical, responsible, considerate, and generous thing to do.

It’s an act of love.

Getting My Affairs in Order: Wants & Wishes

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